Rowan County is seeking to reconstruct the current tennis courts at Dan Nicholas Park into eight (8) pickleball courts and one all-weather tennis court, location is 6800 Bringle Ferry Rd. Salisbury NC 28146.
Rowan County is requesting bids to provide the necessary materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide reconstruction of eight (8) pickleball courts and one (1) all-weather tennis court.
The project shall include all demo, site prep, asphalt base and any other identified components required to provide a complete and finished project. Specific bidding instructions and clarification will be provided at the pre-bid meeting.
Proposed eight (8) pickleball courts and one (1) tennis court.
Install two net post footings per court in accordance with the American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) specifications.
Install one center anchor per court per ASBA specifications.
1. Site Prep
• Existing Fence, netting, post footings and asphalt surfaces.
• Dispose of all materials off-site.
• Site lighting to be removed by Rowan County
2. Installation
• ABC Stone – compacted in 2” lifts. Must pass proof roll.
• Fine grade – preparation for paving.
• Paving – 3” of surface course asphalt S9.5C compacted in two 1.5” lifts (3,100 SY)
• Pressure wash and Flood asphalt – test areas that retain water.
• Patch court – Any area that retains water 1/16” after 1 hour of full sunlight in temp of 70° or above with patch binder.
• Install eight (8) pickleball courts and one (1) tennis court. Install two net post footings per court in accordance with the American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) specifications. Install one center anchor per court per ASBA specifications.
• Apply two coats of acrylic resurface product in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Apply two coats of color for the courts and perimeter as per manufacturer’s instructions. Colors to be chosen by owner. Paint lines based on ASBA specifications.
• Clean surface and leave courts ready for play.
3. Fencing
• Layout the 10’ fence around the perimeter and between tennis and pickleball courts with two (2) gates that are 4’ wide to allow for wheelchair access and meet most ADA requirements.
• Set up terminal posts 3” x 10’ to each corner and between gates. Set up line posts 2.5” between terminals in accordance with American Fence Association (AFA) specifications.
• Set up top rail and bottom tension wire. Install fence fiber black 10’ high, 1 ¾” mesh gauge and tie each 16 inches. Approx. 760 LF.
• Install new fence 4’ high, 1 ¾” mesh gauge 9 and tie each 16 inches between pickleball courts. Install Approx. 500 LF Seed/Straw
• Backfill edge of new courts and seed disturbed areas. Rowan County
When the pickleball court remodeling project at Dan Nicholas Park in Rowan County, NC has been finished, a vending machine solution may be needed. Look no further than!
They have a proprietary pickleball vending solution with their customized pickleball vending machines.
These special “combo” vending machines not only provide a variety of cold beverages but also offer pickleball equipment such as paddles, balls, sweat bands, and even practice pickleballs.